Dive Boat Etiquette

Written by Melissa Hale | Oct 5, 2022 3:08:13 PM

Dive Boat Etiquette


Maybe you are a new Open Water Scuba Diver? You may be in the research phase and just want all the information. Maybe you are an experienced Scuba diver, but are used to diving in lakes or quarries or springs or even beach dives, the thought of getting on a possibly crowded, bumpy boat could be intimidating. It doesn't have to be! Not only do we want you to not be intimidated by it, we want you to be awesome at it!

I've taken a *very* scientific approach to this: asking the staff here at Heroes Dive Center. So you can be confident that our opinions on this are very accurate. *grinning*

So, keep reading for some tips on how to be awesome on a dive boat.

 Tips for a Great Dive Boat Experience

  • BE ON TIME. That's it. That's the tweet. 
  • Check your gear before the boat leaves the dock. And then do it again. No one likes to ruin a dive by forgetting a vital piece of equipment. So annoying. If you need a little checklist, make one. To be clear, divers are usually a very helpful bunch and will help each other out when we can, but it's a little added burden to the boat crew to find extra masks or fins when someone forgets. They are already pretty task loaded. We can help them out by being sure we have all our needed equipment. 

Check your buddy's gear. Have your buddy's back. Give them a good once over and check their gear.Again, before  the boat leaves the dock. Your crew and your buddy will appreciate it. 

Keep your gear out of the way. Also known as "keep your sh*t together"! Don't spread your stuff all over. Scuba gear is bulky and heavy and the boat is moving. You don't want someone stepping all over your stuff, or worse- getting hurt tripping all over your stuff. Plus, they'll be annoyed at you and will definitely not think you are awesome. 

LISTEN to the captain and the dive guides. This is a big one. If you want to gain favor with the boat crew and your dive buddies- listen to the briefing. Also, there's that added safety and navigation factor. Ya know. Sort of a big deal. Even if you've been on this boat before and you've heard it over and over. Things change. The more prepared you are, the less anxious you'll be. 

  • Follow instructions. The Captain has given safety briefing. The crew has given instructions. For the love of Jacques Cousteau, follow their instructions. It's not that hard. If they say the dive is 60 minutes, that mean BIS in 60 minutes! *Butt in Seat*. Don't make them worry about you. Those captains have a lot that could go wrong, a diver not watching the clock shouldn't be one of them.
  • Leave your luggage. Bring what you need, by all means. Bring your extra mask and your 'Save a Dive" kit, or whatever. Bring what you need to make you feel safe, prepared, and comfortable. But you don't need four dry shirts and your high top tennies. 
  • Bring  a water bottle. Listen, kids. I'm the boss of you here. Drink your water. And then drink some more. Having a reusable water bottle is good for all the things you already know. Most boats have water to fill your bottles on board.
  • Leave your bananas at home. I like bananas and I'm not at all superstitious. I'm not even a little stitious. *Hello, Michael* I mean it. Not.At.All. But you don't get to make that decision for someone else's boat. You absolutely mustn't take a banana on a boat. There are all kinds of theories about why this even became a superstition. It may not all be hokey-pokey after all. 
  • Show your appreciation! If your captain and crew worked for you, and they probably did even if you don't think so, it's customary to tip. Usually about $10 per person, per tank. (I look this up every so often to be sure that is still the average amount.)

ShShWhat do you have to say on this?

We’d love to hear from you! 

Living the Dream!